OccupySF 2011

OccupySF 2011
My ratty ass tent next to the concrete ball. Me in the chair?

Friday, October 5, 2012


I'll be a rugged bruin. Go Bs! A vile and gnarly toothed vagabond scavenger brigand. Or a gentleman with tophat and opera glasses. I forget which. It matters not. So I'll hold the door but grab your ass. Cold and desperate I'll never be. One or the other perhaps, but never both. So hide your women from my pheromones. I go Rrawr! and make other animal sounds that are intimidating because being a Badass is a full time job. And I'm dead by the time you read this, in a sense, and the other reason you'll never guess.

For I'll still be captain of the ship: Destiny. The sun melts my aching parts and the water soothes my soul. The salted air makes lungs vital and gets on my lips. So I sail the ship. I built. No Cabin Boy on a freight. To the edge and over.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

For Jean-Arthur

Once if memory serves Life was a Feast where all wines flowed. I took Beauty on my knees and as the cock crowed I chased her laughing down the quays. I laid quiet and searchful , a mere mammal waiting for the Reptiles to die out. With little ears and eyes and the little brain I was born with. Please to forgive but I and mine will fucking Rule. I am of the Earth. Am it in fact, its marrow, but with fur, so I will live on well til Spring, the cruelest month as you may know. But let the world while away its whittlesome ways. Ye shall know me Ozymandias though I be, I shall persevere. And if you ask why I'll give you the same refrain: Cuz I said so. With no lands to conquer, a couple of worlds though to explore. This firmament I tread is God's gift. To a nobleman, may else but to me it's a curse when I forget. The gift. So it may be written as we shall receive. The life we have. That is the gift, but gifts must be accepted and the gratitude repaid. Or it is no gift but simple Pity. Which no man can receive. So I lie in wait, a creature on a limb do say, looking for my mate. Wind, rain, malice of elements pursue me somewhat. But God, my Shepherd I have no fear of such small things. They shall perish and I shall Thrive. And so God help me shall You!