OccupySF 2011

OccupySF 2011
My ratty ass tent next to the concrete ball. Me in the chair?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Invest in Nordak

Long term investors know that the future is in waste. If you want a sound investment for the twenteens, put your money in a landfill. Reasoning: the more we produce, the more garbage we will have to get rid of, and consumption is here to stay. Recycling offers a good sideline interest too, with the promise of many returns. No shortage of homeless people to redeem their self-respect being productive either. Trickle down does work. A-lu-min-i-mum wage.

The real money, however, is in Specialized Disposal. Sounds cool, huh? That's when you take something somebody desperately wants removed, and put it somewhere else. It's a little tricky at first, because you have to figure in the EPA's role in the demand curve. Icky chemicals, scary toxic goo, and even weird radio-active stuff is no problem for the dedicated Specialized Disposal Engineer. Nordak, a division of Specialized Disposal Services, owns a goodly portion of several barely inhabited and Southern states, where these nasties can be taken so no one ever has to experience those unsightly mutations that can occur. NAFTA and GATT have opened many doors to the world of garbage as well. More later.

The problem with waste is ignorance, and fear. Society, in its potty training, began to stigmatize its excrement, and never learned that these by-products may not smell particularly pleasant, but are nonetheless natural and deserve a certain amount of consideration. We must not turn our backs on waste, and like a dog, leave it for someone else to step in, but must, cat-like, bury it out of decency and sensitivity. Nordak was there when the Great Dane of Three Mile Island took its mighty dump. Parts per million down to almost zero!

The future is in waste. This is undeniable. Big things lie ahead for those with the forebearance to shun society's infantile disgust, to brave the tides of public opinion. For example, shining in the night sky, there lies our next challenge. Yes, the moon. As a thing of beauty and inspiration, it is without parallel. As real estate, it's useless. No air, no water, nothing. If we could but find a way to transport our waste there, what a magnificent benefit to mankind would result. This world would become a veritable Eden, and when we pondered the lovely orb circling o'erhead, we would, as did our ancestors, pay homage to its reflected light.

Yes, I am a dreamer. But society without its dreams would retreat into barbarism, like those hordes who invaded Rome, with its own aqueducts and marvellous sewers. (And what rich history must those canali have carried!).

Waste. Think about it.

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